Sunday 7 February 2010

Can You Improve Your Golf Swing Without Spending Thousands of Dollars?

Can You Improve Your Golf Swing Without Spending Thousands of Dollars?

Does improving your golf swing without spending thousands of dollars seem impossible? And is it painfully obvious that thousands of people claim to know some expensive "secret" for golf swing instruction - and yet they have no proof? And you haven't gotten the improvement that you deserve?

The human body is capable of learning virtually any kind of behavior and movement. But the golf swing seems to be impossible for some to master. Golfing actions can be excruciatingly awkward for most people to learn (unless, like Tiger Woods, they have been doing them since early childhood). But you can't go back and change your childhood to learn to golf, can you?

But what if you had a way to make the unfamiliar become familiar? What if you could make golfing feel correct from deep inside the core of your movement and your self? And you could do this without spending thousands of dollars and breaking the bank?

Golf Swing Instruction: Imitation Is Not Learning.

Golf Pros and instructors often teach us the game by having us imitate golf mechanics. They ask us to imitate a "good" swing, a "good" putt, and "good" hand placement. But as you may already know from your lack of desired improvement: When learning golf, imitation can only take you so far. Have you, or anybody that you know, won a golf tournament by imitating Tiger Woods or Jack Nicklaus? Probably not. Why does imitation of other's golf swing techniques rarely (if ever) give you the improvement that you crave?

The reason is that the dynamics of your movement are greatly different from the dynamics of the person that you are imitating. It's a little like putting on some of your old clothing from when you were younger. The clothes rarely fit, and even if they did, they are out-of-date and out-of-style. Who needs that?

True improvement in your golf swing, true comfort while playing, and true mastery on the course, will come from learning the seemingly hidden dynamics of your own movement. This type of learning, often called "sensory-motor learning", is how you first learned to move as a child. It's less commonly used in adults, but it is still possible to access it.

What Is Sensory Motor Learning And How Does it Apply to Golf?

Sensory motor learning involves sound scientific principles from the field of motor learning and human development. It is the most effective way to improve your golf swing and to feel good while doing it. It involves feeling, sensing, and learning from your own natural movements. Part of the process is getting yourself into a relaxed and open state so that you can learn to feel the inner dynamics of your movement. Once you know what you are doing, and once you feel what you are doing, you can build the perfect golf swing based on your own natural tendencies.

Where Do You Begin The Process Of Using Sensory-Motor Learning To Improve Your Golf Swing?
I am sorry to say, that you can't improve your golf swing by reading about the techniques in some over-priced e-book or DVD series. You will actually have to do the techniques and get comfortable with the idea of trying some new and often strange movements.

For instance, what if I had you lie on the floor and engage in an entire sequence of movements designed to improve the coordination of your head, eyes and neck? What if I told you to keep your eyes closed the entire time, so that you could have greater focus on yourself and your body? Would you be willing to do that? If not, you won't be able to benefit from sensor motor learning systems. Go spend a $1000 on the latest "miracle" swing technique. However, if you are willing to explore, you can find a whole wealth of new possibilities and golf swing improvement.

The most evolved practitioners of sensory motor learning are often "alternative health practitioners" such as those who do the Feldenkrais Method, Alexander Technique, or Rolfing. These practitioners are taught to help you change the inner dynamics of your movement so that you can evolve your technique on many levels.

The trick is to find a practitioner who understands the needs and desires of golfers. But what if they do not? Consider that a slight improvement in your ability to sense and feel from your core could unleash a whole new potential in your ability to improve your swing. You are smart enough to take those learnings and apply them to your swing, are you not?

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